Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Video Text/ Pearl The Landlord



Pop culture being one of our biggest forms of entertainment, I thought it would be appropriate to play a short with one of today’s largest comedy figures. Will Farrel hits me 50/50 with his comedy. If he plays too much of an idiot I cannot stand him, but I will admit that he does have his moments. The role in this clip is perfect because it’s hardly about him, but the cute little girl playing the part of Pearl, his landlady.
The shock factor when watching this clip is quite high. One cannot help but wonder at the ability of a little girl that cannot be more than two reciting lines that are quite strong for one of this tender age. The scene plays out as titled, at will Farrel’s apartment. There’s a knock at the door, and mysteriously Will knows that it’s his landlady… strange. But he sets the scene up for immediate hostility. He’s nervous about what his landlady will want, the rent money. He opens the door and behold there is a two year old girl demanding rent money.
This little girl is so cute that one cannot help but be shocked by the fact that she is yelling about rent money. “You pay now, bitch,” I have seen the extra clip and I know that her parents were right there coaching her these lines. Her father was the friend in the beginning of the clip with Will. One wonders if this is appropriate teaching your little girl these lines. Perhaps our generation has degraded so far that we have to resort to two year olds being vulgar to humor us. Whatever the case I really rather enjoy the shock factor that this piece has.
The scene continues on with the demanding of rent. Pearl threatens Will with eviction if he does not pay up, she might even go as far as smacking him. Will pleads for more time; try’s to make a bargain. Pearl continues to insult him, and will tells her she needs to relax. We do often say such things in confrontations, and the silly thing is they only seem to elevate the situations we’re in. One thing I found hilarious was that this girl calls him an “asshole,” and “bitch,” demonstrating what most parents would frown upon as a potty mouth. But is it really so much better that we use the language ourselves? Adults seldom demonstrate appropriate behavior for their children, so it’s no wonder they develop habits of older generations at younger ages. This is “maturing,” before truly maturing.
In true fashion to adult confrontation, we find that Pearl has a drinking problem. “I need to get my drink on.” This demonstrates Pearl’s true desire for the rent money. Will quickly lets her know that this is a problem, and that the situation needs to be resolved at a later date. This video strikes me because it demonstrates common adult behavior in a not unusual manner and setting. But one of the adult positions is replaced with a precious two year old girl, making what might strike one as a usual situation, very different.

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