Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Review of Bridgstone Tire


A silver car winds down the road, two cars on his tail. They pass an abandoned truck on the side of the road, its rusted shell seems to say, "There is no hope turn back." Then massive lights on the road ahead, the way has been blocked. The driver of the silver car quickly puts on the breaks. We are given a clean shot of the side of the car, and watch as the tires stop roaling as the silver car comes to a quick and controled stop. Four individuals walk forward, the leader takes a microphone and tells the driver of the silver car, "Here's the deal you Bridgestone tires or your life." The passenger side door opens and a woman is pushed out. She looks around as the silver car backs up and zooms away. "I said life not wife." the leader of the gang wines. As if hearing his complaint the silver car hanks farewell. Their prey lost the gang turns away saddened by the loss of good tires.

The breakdown. It's important to realize who this add is aimed at, mostly men. The two most odvious clues to this are the product and the time the add was first aired. The produck is a car part and cars are traditionaly the domian on men. The add was origionaly aired during the
SuperBowl in 2010. I would like to note that by throwing in a little laughter Bridgestone doesen't completly offend the women in the audience. Also the attitudes of the gang are nuteral toward the now helpless woman, so we dont see her as in any real danger.
The format and image of the add is overall dark and adverturous, the cars wind their chase through dark faraway reads, its night out and the rain is comming down. The first image of the silver car being chased is from the rear. We get a quick glimps of a car that has been altered in a Mad Max way. It tells us that we are in a dark post apocalyptic world. The rusted shell of a truck on the side of the road adds to this atmosphere. Then there is the road gang, they are the comic relif. Wearing tires around their waist oversized glasses. Two of the main gangmembers are so different is size its commical, one's the very big guy the other is the little neardy guy. Then there is the leader, he's English.
The emotional rise starts of as tnese but exciting as we follow the car chase, then when we arive and the roadblock and the English leader gives the punch line, we all get a little laugh. The "hero" drives off is his nice silver car and the gang are left with nothing but his old lady.
The audiences response, laughter. Tires are not something you buy everyday, but now that they have made you laugh, maby you or your old lady will rember them when it comes time to get a new set.

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